Susan offers a range of services and programs where she works One-on-One via Zoom or Skype audio, Telephone, in Person, Groups and Workshops, or via pre-arranged Public Speaking events.
Susan will help you connect, identify, gain clarity, move through and establish or re- set healthier patterns that serve you
Boundaries that protect you, in regards to any uncomfortable physical, emotional, mental or spiritual aspect, that is showing up for you in your body and your money.
Susan’s offers Audio packages of her work, a value packed affordable option with immediate benefits to get you started right where you are if One-on-One sessions are a push for you at this stage.
Alternatively you may wish to work One-on-One with Susan in one of her 7 week programs (below) or by way of Group coaching:
Tapping into Health & Wealth (The Hidden Treasure)
Susan offers extra support in her six month intensive program to help you with Break the Addiction Cycle
She also offers nutritional assistance or advice to help you with bringing your body back into a balanced state.
You are invited to Contact Susan to schedule a complimentary 30 minute confidential curious conversation.
Through this conversation Susan can assess where you are now, what your main area’s of concern are and how she may best help you in moving forward.