A new year, new beginning’s, a brand new start.
How do you feel when you make a decision to change in an area that maybe not serving you so well?
Do you get all fired up and excited at the possibility of what is in store, visualizing the possibilities,the better body, the healthier foods, the money pouring in, the elevated fitness regime, the love of your life turning up.
Do you feel all that power held within your choice. That excitement, anticipation, that vow to do things right this time.
fforts something happens and it’s back down that slippery slide, back to squar
Can you feel that strong sense of YES!
I can do this I feel empowered by my choice.
Well let me tell you, that is soo important at the beginning for any change to take place.
YET……….with any change there is an undercurrent.
Have you ever stopped to wonder why – when you really want to make this part of your reality these changes to improve that they happen for a few days, maybe a couple of weeks, a month, a year…
Then after all your very best ee one again..
Why is this?.
Surely all this positive information and the strong want and intent are enough to make this change take place if we focus on it strongly enough.
If that was true and that was the case then what we wanted would already of taken place.
In fact many of us have tried time and time again to make some of these positive changes in our lives I know I did. I tried over and over many times.
After all I wanted something better for myself than what I had, but no matter what I did I could never quite get off the merry-go-round without getting sucked back on.
That is until I adopted a deeper approach.
When it comes to changing any old behaviors and unhealthy patterns we no longer want, there is something very important that we must take notice of first – the Power of the Consciousness.
Perhaps you too have tried to change on numerous occasions or maybe you know of someone else that has.
Wanting desperately a better lifestyle, a more meaningful relationship, health, wealth, that true sense of happiness and positive well-being.
Here’s an example of how that want can look:
You or they set a goal to eat healthier foods, give up the alcohol, stop the drugs, put an end to emotional eating, start that exercise program, get to bed on time, drink more water, have deeper more meaningful relationships, cut back on spending and get some money in the bank.
I know you get the picture this example relates to all and any area of life.
Unbeknownst by many underneath there is an old story playing out and it can go something like this.
When you or they were a small child you got called daddy’s little round plumb duff, a beloved title you became known by from your dad and by everyone else.
Maybe you got called fat by friends, parent’s or siblings or you got noticed too young regarding your sexuality.
In relationships it could of been men or women are only after one thing.
If it was money, you might of been told that money is the root of all evil, or rich people are mean and nasty.
Here’s a comment one of my clients experienced, ‘You have enough rolls on your belly to start your own bakery,’ this client was around the age of 7 at the time.
There are so many more as you can well imagine but these are the very programs when left running can determine the outcome of your life’s experience.
Each and every one of us has our own programs running.
These are the very programs that become the cause and our self sabotage and our reasons for failure are the result.
With these kind of stories running unchecked underneath how easy do you think it is to change at the superficial level of wanting and desiring better health, fulfilling relationships, more money, happiness and a deep sense of well-being.
Perhaps you are thinking well I had some of those stories too in my past, but I didn’t let them affect me I moved on from them, I dealt with them a long time ago now.
Well I invite you to put it to the test.
There’s quite a simple way of knowing.
Just close your eyes and picture yourself back in that old event, hear the words, how old were you then. See what happened, see yourself there, see the other person or people playing out in that past event. Bring the picture up as clear as you can allow yourself to listen to what they are saying.
Watch it all just like you were watching a movie.
Now check into your body and connect to how it feels.
Feel that emotion, you may experience discomfort. What does this old story say about you?
This means I am …….(fill in the blank).
That is what is stopping you from reaching your goals now. Those old wounds, Nothing less.
You see we become stuck in these pattern’s of shame and humiliation, rejection, sadness, disappointment not feeling lovable, even anger.
And here’s the thing – we turn this emotion back on ourselves and use it as a way to self sabotage and ruthlessly criticize ourselves.
So when it come’s to change we can summon up all of the willpower and the power of logic but the long lasting change that we really want does not move past the superficial.
We can remove the substance, we can do the hard yards, we can fight our bodies, we can fight the food, we can get all the relationship counseling but change doesn’t really kick in until we look at who and what is the real master of our ship.
We need to go deeper and look within.
We need to address the thoughts, judgements and beliefs and call them out for what they truly are.
When we do this we take our change to a whole new level.
We lift our vibration, our relationships, our health, our happiness and our sense of purpose and well-being and what’s even more, we fix the leaks that are draining our energy systems.
To make the positive changes we want in our lives, no matter what area, needs to be supported at this deeper level of awareness.
This is where our main focus needs to be.
When we sort out this stuff underneath, these faulty programs running the show, we clear out space for greater results in our life to grow and show.
It’s like upgrading your computer system. These old programs need to be cleared out, upgraded and re-written for you to perform better.
These old programs, beliefs and judgements are at this point what are determining your outcomes.
So like the New Year, it’s out with the old and in with the new.
When you want to make change and you make that decision, be prepared to listen up and become aware that change will come with it’s old programs.
Old programs can sound like this:
Negative emotions of self doubt, distrust, shame, frustration, disappointment, sadness, depression, anger and in a lot of cases self-sabotage coupled with very critical self judgement.
Now this sounds a little bit woo woo and out of the square….. but what I want you to know is – that these negative emotions that are showing up whenever you want to change and to step up were there first and your self sabotage or negative unhealthy behavior is the result.
That’s right you may need to read that a couple more times.
It’s true, these negative emotions have been playing out in your life religiously ever since you were a kid and your unhealthy repeated behaviors that you have probably been really harsh on yourselves about, are the result.
And what’s more…They are not your fault!
So go easy on yourself, be guided by these emotions, they are your friends.
They are going to show you the stories and the programs that have been running the show in your head.
To make change you can just start by asking yourself:
What is the story I have been telling myself. What is my food story, my body story, my money story, my love story.
Start simply by journal-ling all of your memories, everything you remember, especially what others have said and the story around your particular challenge. The messages that you have been playing in your mind over and over, stuck on repeat mode.
Don’t give up, stay with yourself, jot down little bits as they come up for you. This practice can turn your life around.
Become the observer and look at all of the emotions and how you felt.
Change doesn’t come with thinking it comes with feeling and making adjustments along the way.
Working on yourself to make positive change can be at times extremely challenging. When times are tougher just take one step.
Fill your life with supportive friends and people that can help, guide and inspire you to grow.
People that believe in you, encourage you and hold your space when you are finding it tough.
You’ve got this..start small, slow down there is no rush.
There are 4 steps to changing the problematic programs.
The first one is being willing and by developing a good understanding for change to take place.
There is enough for you to make positive change within this post. Journaling can unlock the doors.
Keep an eye out over the next few weeks for my next posts on change where I will be diving in to assist you even further.
This is also a great opportunity to share that Feel Alive Inside is moving into another phase.
With the upcoming introduction of #breaktheaddictioncyclepodcasts designed to help you to deepen your understanding, gain clarity, get some real Aha’s, so you can take back your own power, gain control and become the Master of your own ship.
The Good NEWS!
You can change ANYTHING in your Life when you are the Master of your own ship.
Wishing you the very best of Health, Wealth & Happiness.
Susan has fought her way through Addictions to Alcohol, Drugs, Body and (Poverty) and has emerged through the other side as a certified Coach in Addiction, Nutrition, Yuan Gong (Qigong) Human Life Development & Yuan Ming Medicine, Tapping into Wealth and IS one of Australia’s first Financially Fit Bootcamp Coach’s with Mindshift.money.
Today Susan call’s on all of her life experiences and all of her technical skills and tools so she can help ‘You‘ Neutralize the uncomfortable emotions and Stress around money, Terminate the Limitation and Implement the Steps and Structures to once and for all ‘End’ your money stress forever while you create your life of ‘Financial Freedom’.
Setting and Following the Financial Foundation Principles WILL take you towards Emotional and Financial Freedom – ‘The Choice is Yours’.
You can Contact Susan and schedule your complimentary 30 min confidential curious conversation where you can discuss where you are now and where you would like to be.
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