Scarcity & Lack

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Scarcity & Lack

Most of the time many of us are not even aware that this is happening.

ut in companyWe can be out in company and talk turns to money or finances. Before you know it your mind is doing a tailspin and you feel like running.

You hear in your mind and it’s loud and clear ‘I can’t Afford it.’ and you can literally FEEL the dread.

Immediately all of your pleasantries and nice conversation are turned into very uncomfortable emotions.

Shame, Embarrassment, Anxiety even Panic.


What do you think just happened?

Allow me to help you out.

You just reacted to an unconscious Money Stopper a Trigger.


what’s more, it is something that more than likely has it’s roots in a long forgotten part of your childhood.

When you start becoming aware of these money stoppers you can catch them as you see them coming or happening.

When you can, you are able to get out of it quickly.

When you start feeling those horrible feelings when your around people or even on your own.

When you are triggered by anyone or anything talking finances and your head starts taking over, or you may feel that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach.

That is You going into the fight or flight response.

You are feeling the old familiar feelings of being in unsafe territory.

Let me tell you here..

Fear and Scarcity is a natural basic instinct. It is wired into us at a very primal level.

It is part of everyone’s primal instincts, animals show us beautifully. Think of a Meekat on lookout duty.meerkat sentinel

We all have this wired in as a way of protection.

Having money is perceived as a form of safety and security. When you have money you can feel safe. Without it you don’t!

Statistically Money can be said to be one of our ‘Biggest Stressors.’

Your thoughts and beliefs around money can possess the power to have you in fight or flight mode 24/7.

Struggling financially you maybe thinking ‘what about food,’ what about my home, how am I going to feed, to clothe the children, how am I going to pay all of these bills.

When you get into this state your mind starts blowing this story up even further.

You fall into re-traumatizing yourself with the ‘What If scenario’

What if I get kicked out I have no-where to live. What if I lose my home, my car, what if I lose Everything. What will happen to the kids, what if I can’t pay the bills, what if I go Bankrupt. It is a NO win situation.

This is how Health and Wealth are interwoven and it’s NOT what you think.

So in knowing this now you can understand why so many people get stuck right where they are. Not wanting to address their finances, not even wanting to look into their bank accounts.

Fight+Or+FlightThey are too busy running from the Tiger due to the fight or flight response.

Sometimes depending on the circumstances you may get angry at who-ever brings up the ‘Trigger’ around money.

You can launch straight into fight to defend yourself.

Yet most times you feel so bad you just want to get the hell out of wherever you are.

This is all due to our Human makeup and wired in at the deepest level.

You just get sucked into this huge big vacuum of Fear and the endless old pattern around Struggle and Never having Enough takes over.

What happens next is interesting as we tend to match what we believe the most. This is happening unconsciously and it maybe by trying to live off one wage, bills coming in that far surpass what we make. Overspending then beating ourselves up..

Not leaving or ever having enough money to live week to week. The endless cycle of poverty and never being able to see the way clear.

What I want you to get right now is….None of this is YOUR Fault!

This has been programmed in and becomes the energy we match whenever we think about money, whenever we hear about money, which usually happens multiple times per day.

The people that we grew up with, mostly our family members or close family friends can set these triggers off in us so much faster than anyone else. That is because we learn about money from our family.

Teaching-kids-how-to-save-moneyTheir money story, through family loyalty becomes ours!

When we are able to see and understand how this comes to pass then we can make the break and create our own idea’s and our own money paradigm.

So once you recognize your uncomfortable feelings and emotions coming up around money,

The very first thing is to become aware and call them out for what they are. Then do the quick escape to the toilet block and start Tapping (Eft) through your points expressing everything that is coming up.

By tapping you can calm that anxious panicked voice in your head down so you can either go back out and enjoy your night or, if you have the space follow that loud voice back and question it.

Becoming aware makes all the difference. Start with a question to yourself.

I wonder when I started feeling like this? See what pops up.

This is how you start to become aware and all of the changes will start happening from there.

The Good News!good-news


You can ‘Change’ your money story when you make a Choice to take a Chance and call out your Fears.

If you haven’t heard of the Tapping technique have a listen to what others are saying and keep an eye out for my Tapping introduction video I will be introducing next.


If you are wanting to explore even further than this you may like to have a look into ‘The Hidden Treasure.’ where Susan will work together with you and help you to go from a money NO vibe to a money YES!!


Wishing you the very best in Health, Wealth & Happiness.

About Susan Whelan:

Susan has fought her way through Addictions to Alcohol, Drugs, Body and (Poverty) and has emerged through the other side as a certified Coach in Addiction, Nutrition, Yuan Gong (Qigong) Human Life Development & Yuan Ming Medicine, Tapping into Wealth and IS one of Australia’s first Financially Fit Bootcamp Coach’s with

Today Susan call’s on all of her life experiences and all of her technical skills and tools so she can help You Neutralize the uncomfortable emotions and Stress around money, Terminate the Limitation and Implement the Steps and Structures to once and for all ‘End’ your money stress forever while you create your life of ‘Financial Freedom’.

Setting and Following the Financial Foundation Principles WILL take you towards Emotional and Financial Freedom – ‘The Choice is Yours’.

You can Contact Susan and schedule your complimentary 30 min confidential curious conversation where you can discuss where you are now and where you would like to be.

Follow Susan Facebook, Twitter or Instagram

By | 2017-04-27T03:05:48+00:00 August 4th, 2015|Money Mindset|Comments Off on Scarcity & Lack

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