Addiction & Compulsive Behaviours

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Addiction & Compulsive Behaviours

For some of us it feels as if we have been constantly pushing a rock up hill.

All of our efforts to be whole and complete seem futile no matter how much personal work we do.

We end up spinning on our wheels to try to keep ahead only to fall back into feelings of helplessness, low self worth, frustration, anger, guilt, depression and shame.

Some days we wake full of the joys of life only to plunge when triggered by something or someone, with a single comment that is made.

We spiral down into old defeating mechanisms of negative self talk, black feelings and detrimental behaviors.

The pain of these cycles keeps us stuck on a repeat mode of self destruction, addiction, emotional obsessive behaviors and feeling chronically tired.

From this pain and confusion we reach out wanting to feel good yet we do it through these destructive harmful mechanisms that we have been relying on just to release and soothe us from this pain.

We become stuck in the cycles of Addiction to alcohol, drugs, food, sex,  spending, gambling, negative thought patterns, perfectionism, people pleasing, even power and prestige.

Trust me when I say that These are only symptoms to what lies beneath.

The triggers of anxiety and panic, anger, frustration, sadness, guilt and shame, are the bodies emotional signals to us, saying something is not right in our world.

We were not born like this.

Life has happened for us although at times that does not feel true.

There is something underneath that is driving these behaviors and reactions and that something is calling out to be protected or soothed.

Our emotions are not the enemy, they are our friends guiding us to uncover the discomfort and the pain of the wounds beneath, so we can move forward and experience what we came here to experience. Love, Joy & Happiness!

Can we heal from this? YES!






Susan has fought her way through Addictions to Alcohol, Drugs, Body and (Poverty) and has emerged through the other side as a certified Coach in Addiction, Nutrition, Yuan Gong (Qigong) Human Life Development & Yuan Ming Medicine, Tapping into Wealth and IS one of Australia’s first Financially Fit Bootcamp Coach’s with

Today Susan call’s on all of her life experiences and all of her technical skills and tools so she can help You Uncover and heal the missing wounded parts, neutralize the uncomfortable emotions and stress, give you the tools, steps and structures that will put you on the path to true emotional and financial freedom.

No matter which area of your life you are struggling with, when you clear one part, all of your life improves.

So are you ready to turn your resistance into persistence.

Do you want to ‘End’ the battle with your Body, or your Mind?

Do you want to ‘End’ your money stress forever while you create your life of ‘Financial Freedom’.

‘The Secret of Happiness is Freedom,The Secret of Freedom is Courage.’

 You can Contact Susan and schedule your complimentary 30 min complementary confidential curious conversation where you can discuss where you are now and where you would love to be.

Follow Susan Facebook, Twitter or Instagram

By | 2017-09-27T03:52:20+00:00 June 9th, 2016|General, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Addiction & Compulsive Behaviours

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