Goal Trauma

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Goal Trauma

Just like having a past traumatic event can negatively effect your finances so to can having a goal trauma tied to your goals.

rainyA goal trauma will cast a big black cloud over every aspect of your new goals while effecting your very willingness to step up and go after what you really want.

Ever wonder why when you get all fired up and you set a really big intention, a big goal for something in your life that you are really wanting to happen, yet something somehow always seems to turn up and makes sure that never happens.

That’s the past coming up to meet you and it can be so frustrating can’t it…

This can relate to anything that you want to achieve. That new dream  job, a new venture, that Big project, stepping out into your own business, a new relationship, a weight-loss or exercise program.

Let me expand on this for you so you can see how this can happen.

Have you ever set your heart on something so amazing and you let your heart follow your dream.

big dreamThinking and dreaming really big and believing it will happen.

You have this bulldog belief that you can do it it’s going to work out and your really tried so hard.

You may of pushed on regardless of any naysayers, even your own inner skeptic.

You push on believing it will happen.

You work incredibly hard to achieve what you believe in even to the point of exhaustion, often ignoring your own well-being and sometimes putting yourself last.

You might of convinced yourself it will be worth it in the end and you push yourself and push yourself even though there may of been a negative impact to yourself, your partner, your family during that time.

But the bottom line is you really wanted it, you really believed it was possible with all of your heart and soul and something went terribly wrong, it didn’t happen, it didn’t work out, it did not go well.

Can you see one of these Goal Trauma’s in your past?

Not only do you suffer the painful loss of your dream but you may feel like a complete failure as well.

It ends in disappointment – disillusionment – self-criticism and sadness.

After an event like that you often tend to:

*  Trust yourself less.

*  Trust other people and the Universe less.

*  Be more skeptical of the idea that anything is possible for you.

If you can think of a past situation that sounds something like this then you have a Goal Trauma in place.

17_artist_sells_life_after_being_dumpedLiving with a Goal Trauma is like living with a big black cloud hanging over your finances and it effects all of your life not just your money.

It will always be in the background and show up for you whenever you go to step out.

Whenever you set any new goals or dream big just to remind you unconsciously…

That you have done this before and what it ended up like.

So rather than jump into any action towards your new exciting goals you will frustratedself-sabotage, procrastinate and second guess yourself when it comes to knowing what to do.

This is your subconscious mind just coming up to protect you.

After all would you allow yourself to strive for a Goal if you don’t Trust yourself.

You can start by closing your eyes and imagine that event playing out from your past like you are watching a movie on the T.V.

If this mini movie was playing out in front of you what title would you give your movie?

Some of the ones that I have heard are ‘The day I lost Everything’ ‘My Life from Hell’

‘Love’s not worth it’ and ‘Complete Failure.’

How do you determine if this old event still plays out in your present day life.


Tune into how you are feeling in your body when you play this movie out in your mind.

You can also tune in while you are visualizing any new goal you may want now and say to yourself ‘I really do want it’ ‘I know I can do it’

How do you feel?



You may also recognize these patterns with how self critical and hard on yourself you get when you think back on these old past events.

When we slip into self-criticism and put ourselves down we shut our own heart down and therefore we will almost always sabotage our success.

Breaking through these old events enables us to place full trust in ourselves and others again, in doing that our goals are never too big and we can push forward with all of our inspiration, creative expressions, to make all of our dreams come true.

How badly do you want more money?

Enough to look inside yourself to find what’s blocking the flow of money to you.

Enough to face emotions that have been buried for many years?

Enough to be honest with yourself about how you really feel about money, every time you deal with it?

Are you Ready for money to Flow into your Life?

Then have a glance through what ‘The Hidden Treasure’ has to offer.




Wishing you the very best in Health, Wealth & Happiness.


Susan has fought her way through Addictions to Alcohol, Drugs, Body and (Poverty) and has emerged through the other side as a certified Coach in Addiction, Nutrition, Yuan Gong (Qigong) Human Life Development & Yuan Ming Medicine, Tapping into Wealth and IS one of Australia’s first Financially Fit Bootcamp Coach’s with Mindshift.money.

Today Susan call’s on all of her life experiences and all of her technical skills and tools so she can help You Neutralize the uncomfortable emotions and Stress around money, Terminate the Limitation and Implement the Steps and Structures to once and for all ‘End’ your money stress forever while you create your life of ‘Financial Freedom’.

Setting and Following the Financial Foundation Principles WILL take you towards Emotional and Financial Freedom – ‘The Choice is Yours’.

You can Contact Susan and schedule your complimentary 30 min confidential curious conversation where you can discuss where you are now and where you would like to be.

Follow Susan Facebook, Twitter or Instagram

By | 2017-04-27T02:59:11+00:00 August 27th, 2015|Money Mindset|Comments Off on Goal Trauma

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